What is a GWAC?
Govly Byte
gov contracting 101

What is a GWAC?

Oliver Taylor
August 1, 2022
5 min read

A government-wide acquisition contract (GWAC) is a contract that allows multiple government agencies to purchase goods or services through a single contract. With multiple agencies buying similar goods and services through a single contract the government customer is able to procure goods at a lower cost than if they were to buy the goods/services on their own.

Most GWACs are used to purchase technology, such as software and hardware. Oftentimes, GWACs are managed by a single agency with the expectation that additional agencies will leverage that GWAC.

There are three organizations that provide GWACs:

  • GSA: General Services Administration
  • NASA: National Aeronautics Space Association
  • NIH: National Institute of Health

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